Volunteer Opportunities with the Scouts BSA
Adult volunteers underpin the success of the Scouts BSA. Discover the benefits of sharing common experiences alongside teens, learning new skills, and having fun while supporting our youth.
Whether you are male or female, working directly with Scouts, or helping out behind the scenes, volunteering with Scouting can be as rewarding to adults as it is meaningful to the kids.
Although volunteer positions vary by Troop, typical volunteer opportunities (with approximate time commitments) may include:
Works directly with youth. Attends most Scout meetings and activities. Works with Senior Patrol Leader and other Troop leaders to develop youth leadership. Encouraged to attend monthly Scouts BSA roundtable meetings with other Scoutmasters. Can be male or female. (4 hours per week, plus weekend campouts, volunteer opportunities, advancement. Summer camp and backpacking trip can be delegated.)
Works with Scoutmaster and youth leadership to plan, organize, and carry out program activities. Can be male or female. (1-3 hours per week plus weekend campouts, volunteer opportunities and summer activities)
Events or Activities
Assist with a Troop meeting, event, or weekend outing, whether that is providing transportation, guiding youth members through an event planning process or participating alongside youth.
Responsible for keeping unit advancement and service hours records and inputting them to the National BSA database. Submits all advancement data to Council. Prepares advancement materials for Courts of Honor and Eagle advancement. (15-25 hours per year, plus two hours per Eagle advancement)
After a Scout has completed the requirements for any rank (except Scout), he or she appears before a board of review comprised of three to six adult volunteers. Its purpose is to determine the quality of their experience and decide whether they have fulfilled the requirements for the rank. If so, the board not only approves advancement but also encourages that they work towards the next rank. Board of reviews are typically held once a quarter.
Each quarter, Troops hold a Court of Honor (COH) to present rank advancements and merit badge awards. Families are invited to join their Scouts at these events. The COH coordinator reserves a room, coordinates potluck food assignments, and coordinates event set-up and clean-up.
The Eagle Scout Advisor’s most important responsibility is to help Scouts create a final Eagle project plan that will lead to a successful project. The Eagle Advisor’s role is to provide encouragement and support, while helping the Scout understand the requirements and expectations for successfully completing his project.
Coordinate the Troop’s annual food stand at the Piedmont Fourth of July Parade. Organize volunteer shifts; purchase food, beverage, and paper products supplies; coordinate set-up and clean-up.
Recruits merit badge counselors and coordinates merit badge offerings during the year.
Merit badge counselors (MBCs) are key players in the Scouts BSA advancement program. MBCs offer their time, knowledge and other resources to help Scouts learn and complete the requirements of a merit badge. MBCs provide an excellent means for a Scout to grow through his or her exposure to outstanding adults who serve as examples and mentors to them. It offers Scouts the opportunity to deal with business leaders, trained specialists and experienced hobbyists. (time commitment varies) Click here for a detailed description.
Works with the Senior Patrol Leader each spring to recruit 5th graders to join the Troop. Communicates with Webelos leaders in the Council & sets up dates for their dens to attend a Troop meeting or event. Works individually with families considering joining the Troop to answer questions and encourage membership. Provides support to new families in the Troop. (8 hours per year)
Responsible for purchase, care, and maintenance of Troop equipment. Coordinates annual cleanup & inventory. Works with youth Troop Quartermaster. (20 hours per year)
Council event in November. Chair attends one Council meeting. Works with the Senior Patrol Leader to staff Scouts for one-day neighborhood food pick-up in assigned area. Works with adults to ensure enough drivers for pick-up. (4 hours per year)
Liaison between the chartering organization and the Troop. Attends Troop committee meetings. (1 hour per committee meeting)
Every fall, the chair works with the Committee Chair, the Commissioner, the Scoutmaster, and Troop treasurer to verify membership of the unit and submit the completed information to the Council in a timely manner. Requires attendance at one Council meeting. (6 hours per year)
As the Troop’s Business Manager, helps fill Troop committee positions. Works with Scoutmaster & Troop committee to insure that all activities run smoothly. (3 hours per month)
Maintains email list for the Troop and sends out information as requested. Sends key notices/announcements to the local newspapers. Coordinates with Troop webmaster. (5 hours annually)
Solicits input on Troop honoree at this annual Council-wide event. Coordinates parent attendance to honor Troop honoree. Helps with event set-up. (2-5 hours in March to April)
Council check writing event in the Fall. Attends unit parent night to explain FOS and collect donations. Works towards goal of 100% unit participation. (6 hours per year)
Obtains the year’s monthly weekend outing plans/dates from the Scoutmaster and secures reservations for outings. (6- 8 hours per year)
Handles all aspects of Troop reservations for one week at a Scout summer camp (each Troop chooses which camp to attend). Maintains roster of youth and adults attending, collects required forms, makes payment and coordinates transportation. Communicates information to youth and families in the Troop. (15 hours per year)
Obtains sign-ups in September for all Troop events (campouts and Fun Nights) requiring drivers. Reminds drivers of their obligation before each event. Works with the Senior Patrol Leader to obtain count of youth needing drivers. Obtains additional drivers when needed. (8 – 10 hours per year)
Responsible for Troop funds. Pays monthly bills to the Council for advancement & registration. Deposits funds from registration and Troop activities such as hikes & fundraisers. Bills Scouts for dues. (8 hours per year)
Coordinates Troop participation in the Council fundraising event in November/December. Organizes and ensures required staffing of adults and youth for shifts at the Council Tree Lot. (4-6 hours in late Fall)
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“I volunteer because I believe adult participation is a critical component of why Scouting works; part positive mentor, part underlying support, so Scouts have the opportunity to teach and lead each other. I also think it is important to pass on the skills I learned as a Scout. Plus, as a leader, I often get to do the cool things Scouts do!”
– Rob Kobal
Cubmaster, Pack 5
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 11
Pinewood Derby Chair