Adult Training
Leadership training is one of the attributes that sets Scouting apart from the myriad of other youth activities. Trained leaders impact the quality of programs, leader tenure, youth membership retention, safety, and a whole lot more.
Training programs are offered in a combination of formats, via online modules, onsite events and meetings, and via special training workshops.
Key components of adult training include the following leadership development and outdoor skills opportunities. For more information on National BSA leadership training, visit
Access online training modules and to set up your Piedmont Council account here:
Required Training
Required for all BSA volunteers every two years, the online Youth Protection Training program (YPT) informs leaders of BSA Youth Protection policies and procedures to ensure kids are safe. In addition to completing YPT , California Scouting requirements must be met for anyone spending 16 hours over the course of a month, 32 hours over the course of a year and/or who participates in an overnight campout. It is also required that adult volunteers who spend the minimum threshold of time noted, must be registered at minimum as Unit Scouter Reserve if not in a leadership role. Training and Registration steps are detailed HERE
Cub Scout Leadership Training
are online training modules that are organized and paced for the First Meeting, First 30 Days and following positions.
- Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster
- Cub Scout Den Leaders
- Committee Chair and Pack Committee
To access training modules, ensure you have a Piedmont BSA ID, log onto and click on My Training > Training Courses by Program.
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
BALOO is a nationally developed outdoor classroom training that is required for at least one adult leader for all overnight excursions. Check the Calendar for the next training.
Scouts BSA Leadership Training
are online training modules that are organized and paced for the First Meeting, First 30 days and following positions.
- Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster
- Merit Badge Counselors
- Troop/Team Committee Chair and Committee
To access training modules, ensure you have a Piedmont BSA ID, log onto and click on My Training > Training Courses by Program.
Outdoor Leadership Skills (OLS)
Outdoor leadership skills training is typically offered to all adult volunteers during the Annual Scout Camporee held locally in May. Check the training calendar for details.
Venturing, Exploring & Sea Scouts Leadership Training
Online training modules are organized by position and paced for First Meeting, First 30 days and for Position.
- Venturing Position Trained Requirements
- Exploring Position Trained Requirements
- Sea Scouting Position Trained Requirements
To access training modules, ensure you have a Piedmont BSA ID, log onto and click on My Training > Training Courses by Program.
Outdoor Skills and Leadership Development
Monthly Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Roundtables
Scout Leadership and volunteers gather once a month to discuss and plan upcoming events. Informal collaborative training is conducted on Scouting topics as needed. Meetings are held in the Piedmont Council office. Check calendar for upcoming meetings.
Wood Badge
Wood Badge is the ultimate in outdoor and leadership training for adult Scouting volunteers.
Seabadge is an intense leadership and management training focused on the “how to” aspects of managing a successful youth led Sea Scout program.
University of Scouting
University of Scouting (typically offered by neighboring councils) is a one day event in winter. Contact the Piedmont Council office for more information.
Philmont Training Center
Located in New Mexico, Philmont offers short and long training programs for adult leaders. The Ranch offers child care and day camp activities for your children, while you train in the morning; enjoy family time in the afternoon.
To access training modules, ensure you have a Piedmont BSA ID, log onto and click on My Training > Training Courses by Program. is a dynamic tool and portal for Scouts and Scout leadership that provides a wealth of resources including the BSA Online Training Center.
Wood Badge Training
“I would recommend Wood Badge training to anyone. In addition to having a truly great time, I learned all aspects of Scouting. Most importantly, I now understand the goals of Scouting at a deep level.The group I went through with was as diverse as one could be. It was also 25% women, so don’t think that this is a “guy” thing. When I meet Scouts and their leaders socially, I just say one line: “I am a Wood Badger.””
– Jonathan Muhiudeen