Your Gift Makes a Difference

Piedmont Council’s positive impact on our youth, families, and community wouldn’t happen without your support. Every gift, regardless of size, helps create more opportunities of learning and growth for Scouts.

Whether you’re interested in committing to a Friends of Scouting pledge, contributing to the Endowment Fund or engaging in another form of giving, your gift will help us make a difference.

Thank you for considering a gift to Piedmont Council, BSA

100% of your tax deductible contribution remains in our local Council.

Donate Now
Donate to Piedmont Scouting
Your Gift Makes a Difference
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting
Piedmont Council's major fundraiser.
Help secure the long-term future of the Piedmont Council, BSA.
Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving
Make Piedmont Council BSA a part of your long-term philanthropic plans.
Support Scouting
Support Scouting
More Ways to Support Scouting
How to Give
How to Give
There are many ways to give to Piedmont Scouting.

A Great Investment

Your gifts to Piedmont Scouting are instrumental to creating positive change in many ways. A recent study conducted by Harris Interactive among current and previous Scouts revealed the positive impact Scouting has had on their lives.

Scouting by the Numbers ¹

0 %
of Scouts agreed Scouting taught them to be more HONEST and a LEADER.
0 %
of Scouts report that Scouting taught them to have CONFIDENCE in themselves and to be RESILIENT
0 %
of Scouts said Scouting taught them to treat others with RESPECT
0 %
of Scouts felt it taught them to CARE for other people and that HELPING OTHERS should come before their own self-interest
0 %
of Scouts believe Scouting taught them to be more RESPONSIBLE toward others, the environment and themselves
0 %
of parents said their Scouts gained PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS.

¹ Tufts Character and Merit Project

Why We Give

“Leadership experience, community service, life skills, adventure – this is what Scouting has offered our three boys. Being involved in Scouts has made them well rounded young men. This is why we support the Piedmont Council.”


– Glyn and Terri Burge, sons Matt, Geoffrey & Nathan


Your Donations Make an Impact

Learn more about how the Piedmont Council is funded in our annual report.

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