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PCSC Chocolate Strawberry Fundraiser

February 14, 2020


Need a delicious treat or gift for a friend, loved one, or family member this Valentine’s Day? The Piedmont Community Service Crew (PCSC) is having a chocolate covered strawberry fundraiser! For $30 (or $35 after 1/17) you can pre-order a dozen, sweet and delicate chocolate covered strawberries, hand-selected and dipped by PCSC members.

All profits will go to making our community a better place: whether that be feeding homeless, repairing a home for our annual Rebuilding Together Oakland project to renovate a low income elderly person’s home, or various other projects that you can view on our Facebook page PCSC Facebook.

To place an order, pay below by credit card, email Sofia.stahl02@gmail.com, or fill out this form: PCSC Strawberries


February 14, 2020
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