Anyone serving as a Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) in California must be registered in that position; they may also register in a position with the Troop they counsel for. Any adult already-registered in a Troop can easily multiple into the MBC position. The minimum position in any Cub Scout Pack, Troop, Venture Crew or Explorer Post is Unit Scouter Reserve. The minimum position required of all adults 21+ attending camp and/or regularly attending Pack, Troop, Venturing, Explorer activities with youth is the Unit Scouter Reserve position. Unit Scouter College Reserve and Venturing Participant are positions for 18-20 year old Scouts.

To serve as a Merit Badge Counselor (MBC), you must complete:

  1. MBC Application & Add/Drop Form, current MBCs can make changes to the badges they counsel. The information from this form will be provided to Troop leadership.
  2. Live Scan Fingerprinting
  3. CA Mandatory Reporter Training (CAMRT)
  4. BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT)
  5. Registration as a MBC, (either multiple register from a Troop or primary register with Piedmont Council)

Questions? Contact Registrar Laural Fawcett: 510-844-4751 |

Or visit the Council Service Center at: 10 Highland Way, Piedmont CA 94611 to get started.

Anyone spending 16 hours over the course of a month, 32 hours over the course of a year and/or who participates in an overnight campout is considered active, and must be registered and must complete:

  1. LiveScan Fingerprinting Background Check Walk-In Appointments Monday through Friday 10 AM to 4:30 PM, Evenings Available by Appointment. Please Call First To Confirm Your Walk-In Appointment: 510-844-4751
  2. CA Mandatory Reporter Training (CAMRT) for Volunteers – This training takes approximately two hours – Take CAMRT Training For Volunteers Here. THIS TRAINING CHARGES a $7.99 FEE TO DOWNLOAD THE CERTIFICATE.Complete the CAMRT, download and save the certificate. You will receive a scanned PDF of the LiveScan Consent form at your LiveScan appointment. PLEASE UPLOAD BOTH the CAMRT certificate and LiveScan consent form here:
  3. BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) must be kept up to date every two years. You will need a confirmed Piedmont Council BSA ID first to log into or create a account. Please DO NOT create a account and/or take YPT without first confirming your Piedmont Council ID. You can confirm membership or get assistance with creating your account at your LiveScan appointment. You will complete mandated Youth Protection Training (YPT) by selecting the “My Training” icon on your account. There are three videos to watch before taking the required certification test.
  4. Register in a PACK or  TROOP  (for PCSC, PSC or Post 911 contact your unit leadership) position as a Unit Scouter Reserve at minimum.

Piedmont Council receives confirmation of your LiveScan results, California Mandated Reporter Training certificate and LiveScan Consent Form upload and YPT. Each organization requires their own Live Scan, so these steps must be completed even if you have been fingerprinted for another organization.

During the registration process, you will complete a questionnaire and consent form for a BSA background check. Contact your unit leadership about adult leader registration fees. You may need a payment code for your Pack, Troop, Venture Crew (PCSC), Exploring (PSC, Post 911) Unit. If you do not want to recieve and pay for a Scout Life subscription, please uncheck the subscription option during the registration payment process.

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