Summer Programs

Every summer, each Troop attends one week of summer camp.  Scouts earn merit badges and ranks while participating in activities like backpacking, sailing, mountain biking, fishing, horseback riding, and rock climbing. In the process of having fun, they have the chance to develop character, confidence and competence.

BSA California Summer Camps

An adult volunteer from each Troop reserves a week for their Troop at one of the many BSA summer camp options in California. Many start taking reservations in late January or February, and some fill up quickly.

BSA High Adventure Programs

Troops can also reserve space in one of BSA National High Adventure programs. Age requirements for these programs vary, but most programs are rugged and designed for older Scouts.

Piedmont Council BSA Backpacking Trips

Each summer, every Scout and Venturer has the opportunity to go on a backpacking trip. Troops and the Order of the Arrow organize trips that range from 4 days to a week. New to backpacking? Join the introductory trip! Come to our Open House to learn more.

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