Youth Protection Training

The Piedmont Council places the highest importance on protection of our youth. This online Youth Protection Training (YPT) course covers the BSA Youth Protection policies and procedures. Through simulated scenarios, adults learn how to recognize, respond and report improper activity. This valuable course is required for every adult volunteer.

YPT: The Piedmont Council is Committed to Youth Safety

We rely on the commitment of our more than 150 volunteer leaders to make this happen.

Online YPT Training

Estimated Time to Complete: 75 minutes

  1. Ensure you have a Piedmont Council BSA ID
  2. In, click on my training and take the required YPT.
  3. When you have completed the training, please download (save as a PDF file) and email or print your certificate and provide a copy to the Piedmont Scout Service Center: so we can ensure your record is updated correctly.

Anyone is welcome to take this free online course. You do not have to be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America to take Youth Protection training. It is recommended for all parents and required for every adult volunteer. If you have any difficulty with the Youth Protection Training website or BSA Online Learning Center, contact the Piedmont Council Service Center at 510-844-4752.

The Piedmont Council requires Youth Protection Training (YPT) to be renewed every two years.

If you have any difficulty with the Youth Protection Training website or BSA Online Learning Center, contact the Piedmont Council Service Center at 510-844-4752.

The BSA has recently updated their Youth Protection policies to apply to social and digital media. For more information on how to communicate via social platforms while complying with Youth Protection standards, please see this Social Media and Online Safe Scouting.

Parents can find additional Safe Scouting information regarding youth protection policies in this  Parent Guide to Protecting Your Children

Safe Scouting and California State Law

California AB 506 became law on September 16, 2021. AB 506 requires administrators, employees, and regular volunteers of youth service organizations to implement specific requirements.

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