California Assembly Bill 506 and Mandated Reporter Training
Effective September 1, 2023:
Anyone spending 16 hours over the course of a month, 32 hours over the course of a year (even if not on a campout) and/or who participates in an overnight campout must be registered, and must complete the Califrnia Scouting Live Scan fingerprinting background check and Mandatory Reporter training.
Anyone serving as a merit badge counselor must be registered as such and may also register in a position with the Troop they counsel for. Any already-registered adult in a Troop can easily multiple into a merit badge counselor position. The minimum position in any Cub Scout Pack, Troop, Venturer Crew or Explorer Post is Unit Scouter Reserve. This position is required for attending camp and other Troop activities. All MBC should complete a MBC Info Form and provide to their Troop leadership, and must complete Live Scan Fingerprinting, CA Mandatory Reporter Training and BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT).
If you are an active Merit Badge Counselor, parent volunteer, or a registered leader, you are required to complete in the following order:
We will get a confirmation of your LiveScan results and California Mandated Reporter Training Certificate Upload. NOTE: Each organization requires their own Live Scan, so you will still need to complete this step even if you have been fingerprinted for another organization. - CA Mandatory Reporter Training (CAMRT) for Volunteers. This training takes approximately two hours and is in addition to BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT). You will need a Piedmont Council BSA ID Please see Step 1 Above, to complete the UPLOAD OF THE CAMRT and LIVESCAN CONSENT FORM. This is not the same form as the LiveScan Fingerprinting form completed for your fingerprinting session. PLEASE UPLOAD BOTH the CAMRT certificate and LiveScan consent form here:
NOTE: This training is in addition to Scouts BSA Youth Protection Training. It is not accessible through your account. - BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) must be to date (every two years). You will need a confirmed Piedmont Council BSA ID first to log into or create a account. Please DO NOT create a account and/or take YPT without first confirming it is in Piedmont Council. See Step 1 Above. You will log into or create a account during the process. You will complete mandated Youth Protection Training (YPT) by selecting the my training icon on your account. There are three videos to watch and then take a certification test.AFTER COMPLETING ALL STEPS ABOVERegister in a PACK or TROOP (For PCSC, PSC or Post 911 contact your unit leadership) position at a minimum as Unit Scouter Reserve. You will also complete a questionairre and consent for a background check during the registration process.You should talk to your unit leadership about adult leader fees. You may need a payment code for your Pack, Troop or Venturers (PCSC) Exploring (PSC, Post 911) Unit. If you do not want to recieve or pay for the Scoutlife Subscription please uncheck the subscription option during registration the payment process.
California Assembly Bill 506 became law on September 16, 2021. AB 506 requires administrators, employees, and regular volunteers of youth service organizations to:
- Complete training in child abuse and neglect identification and reporting
- Undergo a background check to identify and exclude any persons with a history of child abuse
- Ensure mandatory reporting of suspected incidents of child abuse to persons or entities outside of the organization
- Require two mandatory reporters whenever in contact or in the supervision of children
The BSA’s Youth Protection Training standards required of all registered adults, our two deep leadership policy, and the criminal background check performed with an adult volunteer’s registration appear to meet most of the requirements of this law. The BSA’s routine criminal background check does not meet this standard, thus a background check with finger print scan will be required soon. Fingerprinting is already required in many schools, sports, and other organizations such as the Oakland Diocese.
Working with the other Scout Councils in California, we have created the California Scouting web portal ( that will be your point of reference to help answer your questions about AB 506 and connect you with the resources you will need to fully comply with the law. Please note that the website is subject to change as we learn more and fully set up all its functions.
The law requires employees, administrators, and volunteers of Youth Service Organizations to complete training in child abuse & neglect reporting and undergo Live Scan background checks. All registered BSA volunteer positions, administrators and employees including camp staff must comply with AB 506. In addition, regular volunteers, defined by AB 506 as volunteers who are 18 years of age or older and who have direct contact with, or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year, must complete the training and background check as well. For questions regarding whether your specific position requires training and background checks, please visit the FAQ page.