Piedmont Council BSA Welcomes Ellen Maloney Ruhe on Board
Ellen Maloney Ruhe has started with our local BSA Council. She will be responsible for working with council and unit volunteers to deliver great Scout programs to the youth in our area.
“I enjoy the people that non-profits attract,” said Maloney Ruhe. “They are motivated to help and uplift their peers, are inspired to do good work for a common goal, and value equality and diversity in the workplace. I’m looking forward to collaborating with and getting to know the volunteers involved with Piedmont BSA.”
“It’s a challenge to find the right person for this position,” said Scout Executive Kate Benson. “It requires someone who enjoys working with people, is organized, and really understands the mission of helping youth develop. We’re excited to bring Ellen on board!”
Maloney Ruhe brings a depth of skills and experience to bear with a background in theater management and production, volunteer coordination, and development. She enjoys live theater, live music, museums, and stand up comedy; she also collects comic books and is an avid reader in general.
The Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America serves over 700 youth annually in programs built to develop character, fitness, citizenship and leadership through outdoor adventures and fun activities. Cub Scouts serves boys and girls in grade school. Scouts BSA serves boys and girls in middle school and high school, and is most known for the Scouts who make it all the way to Eagle rank. Venturing serves young men and women age 14-20, and has programs focusing on community service and high adventure. Exploring also serves young men and women age 14-20, and our local post is chartered by the Piedmont Police.
For more information about any of our Scouting programs, visit piedmontscouting.org, or call 510-574-4493