Explore a Career in Law Enforcement

 In Council News, Post 911

Piedmont Police Department Explorer Post 911

Purpose: Explorers work under direct supervision, perform a variety of routine and progressively more advanced tasks in an apprenticeship program in preparation for a career in law enforcement.

In addition to law enforcement career familiarity, Explorers will gain valuable experience that will assist in diversifying abilities highlighted during the college application process. Through their active commitment to the program, Explorers will have opportunities to foster self-discipline, critical thinking, leadership, initiative, time-management, and good judgement skills.

Requirements: Explorers, who are students, shall maintain a scholastic grade point average of “C+” (2.5 GPA) or better. Members must be of good moral character and must have successfully passed an interview process and background investigation.

Application & Background: Must Complete a City of Piedmont application form.

A background investigation may include:

  1. Completion of a background investigation form
  2. Submission of fingerprints to Department of Justice
  3. Review of past school conduct
  4. Interview with family, friends and neighbors
  5. If under 18 years of age, a written parental consent to participate in the Explorer Program

Explorers participate in the ride-along program as an observer. The Explorer may fulfill various duties as determined by the ride-along officer. These may include:

  • Traffic/Crowd control during parades, festivals, or other public sponsored events
  • Operation of the radio
  • Operation of the Mobile Data Terminal
  • Assisting motorists
  • Completing routine paperwork that will not be used in any court action
  • Protecting crime and accident scenes
  • Acting as an interpreter as needed

Explorers also assist the police department with annual events. These events range from the 4th of July parade, Harvest festival, National Night Out, Turkey Trot, Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and any other community-led-events.

If interested please contact:

Officer David Cutler or Officer Nicole Casalnuovo by email dcutler@piedmont.ca.gov or ncasalnuovo@piedmont.ca.gov

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