Piedmont Community Service Crew 22 Open House September 10th, 2023

 In Community News, PCSC
Piedmont Community Service Crew (PCSC) is ready to take on another great year of service. The Crew, a coed Venturing program through the Piedmont Scout Council, will host an Open House on September 10 to describe its many activities and projects taking place during the year. PCSC has been around for 19 years, providing a chance for generations of local youth (ages 10-20) to plan, participate in, and contribute to projects. It is a fun and easy way to get service hours while establishing bonds with fellow Crew members.
PCSC is excited to be hosting its annual fall kickoff with an open house on September 10, from 4-6pm in central Piedmont. Non-members and parents can mingle with current crew members and learn why PCSC is an amazing resource for local youth. Although new members can join at any time of the year, the Kickoff is one of the best times to be introduced to the crew. We welcome middle school through high school aged youth, but the Open House is especially perfect for freshmen looking to get involved in their first year of high school. Please pre-register here  to attend the Kickoff, where parents may register their teens. Sign up to attend the Open House and receive the address if the Crew’s kickoff event, scheduled for Sunday, September 10 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. For more information, visit the PCSC Website . If questions, contact Crew Advisor Ken Li at Ken.i.Li@sbcglobal.net
While we do not impose any participation minimums, to keep it a low-stress organization, our members provide their own ideas on how to make community service beneficial to all. We confidently say that everything that we do as a crew is amazing. We plan and create our unique projects that interest us, often funding the costs as well. Many of our most popular events were originated and conceived by past members, said Elena O’Connell, Vice President of Communications.
A small sampling includes: sorting produce at the Alameda County Community Food Bank, cooking meals for the food insecure, painting murals, building Tiny Houses for homeless teens, improving and cleaning the local environment, and tutoring children, The Community Service Crew has roughly 150 members and organize multiple events each week. It provides leadership opportunities for its members, and a platform to share their own ideas, building self confidence in the process. Every spring the most involved members are encouraged to run for elected positions. The elected crew officers are mentored weekly by adult volunteers to take on responsibilities that are often associated only with adults. The VPs each lead their own team of assistants and are responsible for different aspects of running an organization.
Article originally published in the Piedmont Post by Elena O’Connell, Vice President of Communications with Piedmont Community Service Crew.
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