Community Service For Youth: Virtual Open House August 29th

 In PCSC, PCSC, Uncategorized, Venturing

The Piedmont Community Service Crew (PCSC) is currently organizing the annual Crew Kickoff event on August 29 at 1pm. PCSC is a youth-led co-ed Venturing crew that provides leadership skills to empower Bay Area teens through service in their community. The crew hosts multiple events a month from cooking for the homeless, to hiking trail restoration events, to our biggest project of the year where we renovate a home for a low income elderly person in Oakland. The Crew Fall Kickoff will be over zoom this year due to social distancing restrictions. We will be having presentations on what the crew does, compelling reasons why PCSC is such an amazing opportunity for teens, followed by an open Q&A session at 2pm. 

If you or your child is interested in joining the PCSC (highschool aged youth) or our companion Piedmont Service Club (for middle school aged kids), please register to join the zoom call with this form!  

For more information, visit the crew website. Or contact the crew adviser, Ken Li, at We hope to see you at the kickoff!!

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