Piedmont Community Service Crew July 4th Fundraiser!

 In Community News, PCSC, Venturing

Have your Fourth of July plans been canceled? Are you looking for something fun and festive for you and your family to do?

The Piedmont Community Service Crew are selling pre-prepared Barbeque Baskets, that include everything you and your family need for an exciting and delicious, at-home barbecue! These baskets are customizable and can be altered to fit your family’s needs. A typical basket would include burger patties, buns, chips, lemonade, homemade cookies, flags, pinwheels, and more! Many of the items have been donated by local, small businesses, such as Village Market and Piedmont Grocery. All of our proceeds will go toward supporting our crew and some of our major projects.


Every year our crew leads large service events that require a lot of fundraising. Some of our biggest projects include working with RTO (Rebuilding Together Oakland) to refurbish a low-income family’s home, building a “tiny house” for a homeless teen, and many more! Not only do all of our profits go towards some of these really important projects, but we are also continually supporting youth leadership and promoting self-growth in local high schoolers.


These baskets will be delivered on July 3rd right in time for your barbeque! Below is an order form linked with all the information we need. Baskets are available to purchase up until June 22nd.


Here is a rough outline of prices for standard baskets for different family sizes:
Family of 2: $55
Family of 3: $70
Family of 4: $85
Family of 5: $90
Family of 6: $105

    If interested in purchasing, please fill out this Google Order Form and we will contact you directly with more details and answer any questions you may have!

We hope we can help make your 4th of July special this year!
PCSC’s VPs Fundraising
Julia Banuelos jbb3047@gmail.com
& Sofia Prieto Black sofiaprietoblack@icloud.com
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