2019 Camporee
- Troop 15 Throwing Tomahawk
- Troop 6 at Chariot Race Station
- Troop 4 at Team Building Station
- Troop 1 Presenting Their Iron Chef Meal to the Judges
- Flag Retirement at Campfire Program
This weekend, May 3rd – 5th, the Piedmont Council Boy Scouts went to Camp Tamarancho for the annual Camporee. Camporee is an exciting weekend where troops compete against each other in a multitude of scout-related skills such as fire building, first aid, and orienteering plus fun events like tomahawk throwing. The 2019 theme was Pirates of the Caribbean; the staff was led by Senior Patrol Leader Nicky Allen-Goix. An inaugural Iron Chef-style cooking competition was introduced. Staff members Kai Lambert and Fisher Gibbs planned an event where teams of three scouts from each troop were given ingredients and timed with the goal of creating the best dish possible using standard cooking staples plus the “secret ingredient,” pineapple. Troop 4, led by scout Hampton Lee was victorious, creating a dish of chicken complemented by caramelized onions, bananas, and of course pineapple. The Hitchhikers Patrol from Troop 1 led by Garren Riley won the overall Camporee 2019 championship. Campfire Program with singalongs, skits, and flag retirements closed the weekend. Everyone had a great time and is looking forward to Camporee 2020.
Photo credit: Liam Charron
Staff writer: Kai Lambert