Piedmont Community Service Crew

 In PCSC, Venturing

DreamCatcher Dinner: March 8th. 3:30 PM to 7:15 PM

PCSC has officially teamed up with the DreamCatcher organization, a non-profit dedicated to providing shelter for homeless youth in Oakland. This is our first event with this organization. Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to benefit those less fortunate, but it also gives teens a chance to interact with people their own age, all of which come from varying backgrounds. 

Youth Employment Partnership Dinner: March 10th. 3:00 PM

Hopefully the first of many, this event strives to provide a meal to members of the Oakland community living in homeless encampments. PCSC members will shop, plan, and prepare to cook the meal and serve it.  If you have any questions or would like more information about Piedmont Community Service Crew, please visit our website at pcservicecrew.org.For any more information, and a calendar of upcoming events, visit the crew Website>

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