SS Ship 16 invites you to attend the Richmond Rendevouz Saturday, March 9th
Full day of Sea Scouts skills training events followed by a tour and dinner aboard the historic USS Red Oak Victory. Room for ships to tie up Friday/Saturday nights. Location: SSS Northland Sea Scout Base in the historic Shipyard #3, opposite 1319 Canal Blvd. Fee- $20/ship and $20/person, dinner included. Contact Skipper Paul Hirsh at 415-637-9619 Visit Northland Sea Scout Website>Please Like Us at: Northland Sea Scout Facebook Page
Learn More About Sea Scouts With Piedmont Ship 16

Piedmont SS Ship 16 Facebook> Sea Scouts Ship 16 is Piedmont (CA) Council BSA’s Sea Scouting program and invites youth 14-21 yrs old to get involved in sailing and all sorts of related maritime pursuits. Sail on our own boat, the SSS Revenge. For more info on events and how to participate, call the BSA council office 510-547-4493
SS Ship 16 Visit Aboard the “Dar Mdolziezny” December 2018

This ship was built in Poland in the 1980s and was funded by schoolchildren’s contributions. The name means “the Gift of the Young”. It is on an all around the world journey to commemorate 100 years of Polish regained independence; stopping at the Youth Congress in Panama. It is a floating university and the crew is composed of maritime university students and young film contest winners. They stay on the ship about two months. One student was our guide and said that his assignment was from Jakarta to Panama. The ship was in SF for a few days before Christmas. It is a three masted frigate. We smelled something good cooking below, but only explored the upper main deck. I went back when It was leaving and gave them an Oaklandish tree ornament with Piedmont Sea Scouts Ship 16 written on the back.